​Djavad Mowafaghian
​​​​​​​ Research Center for Intelligent NeuroRehabilitation Technologies


No.11, Khark St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran



PhD in mechanical engineering, University of Waterloo (2005)
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology (2000)
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology

Phone: 021-66716100 x112
Email: behzadipour@sharif.edu
website: sharif.ir/~behzadipour
Google Scholar

Research Area

Medical Robotics
Rehab Engineeirng



Computational neuro-rehabilitation

Robotics Rehabilitation

Design and Development of a Mobility Recognition System in PD Patients for Tele-Rehabilitation

Physical vs. VR Dual Task Exercises in Post-stroke Patients

Development of integral indices based on a biomechanical model to evaluate upper limb motion quality of stroke patients

Design of an Adaptive Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Exercise Based on Motor Fatigue Prediction for People with Stroke

Quantitative Assessment of Parkinson Patient’s Upper Extremity Movements, Using Microsoft Kinect for Telerehabilitation

Development of a tele-assessment system for balance in Parkinson’s disease using a force plate

The Development of a Postural Control Model for Parkinson’s Disease to Predict the Balance Rehabilitation Effects

Stroke neuromusculoskeletal modeling in order to understand rehabilitative interventions

Quantification of the muscle fatigue in functional rehab exercises

Robotic Rehabilitation

 The effects of the connection stiffness of robotic exoskeletons on the gait quality and comfort

Telerehabilitation  for postural instability in patients with Parkinson’s disease
