​Djavad Mowafaghian
​​​​​​​ Research Center for Intelligent NeuroRehabilitation Technologies


No.11, Khark St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran

The great demand from patients: Based on some field researches, annually
about 550000 strokes take place in Iran.  The results of this study which is published in Stoke Update Journal demonstrate that the CVA rate in Iran is much higher than countries such as the Great Britain, Italy, Greek, Australia and Sweden which themselves have a high rate of stroke among European countries. The only country which has a higher rate of CVA than Iran is Ukraine based on comparative studies. Another shocking fact is that the age of stroke in Iran is 10 years lower than most of countries. It is notable that other than post stroke patients, about 70000 patients suffering from spinal cord injuries live in Iran who require
rehabilitation cares.

The trend towards intelligent systems in rehabilitation: Recently intelligent rehabilitation and tele-rehabilitation are of interest as the future of this field worldwide. Clinical studies claim a meaningful success and effectiveness of such methods in compare with traditional ones in treating neurologic patients. In countries with vast geographic area such as the United States of America, Canada and India, these techniques are considered as the only solution to deliver therapeutic services to remote zones. In addition, in European countries using home-based rehabilitation instruments are of great interest which can be inferred from the recent fast development of related companies. Employing these instruments can help improve the quality and quantity of therapies.

The high scientific and technological potential: During the last decade, a
valuable source of technological knowledge in design and application of intelligent neuro-rehabilitation instruments has been formed within the country in which the rehabilitation research team of Sharif University of Technology has played a main role. It is notable that this team has gathered a good base of clinical knowledge by collaborating with rehabilitation faculties and infrastructures. These experiences can be an effective onset of much more serious activities in development, enforcement and extension of intelligent rehabilitation systems in the country.

Our History

The mission of Mowafaghian Research Centre of Intelligent Neuro-Rehabilitation Technologies is to support and perform applied research in science and technology to develop effective techniques and instruments in treatment and rehabilitation of neurologic patients.
Furthermore, in ten-year outlook, this research center will be a pioneer institution which will lead:
 The advancement of scientific research,
 The development and the commercialization of effective customized  technologies,

 The education and the promotion of novel technological therapeutic methods and techniques in rehabilitating the patients suffering from neurologic movement disorders.

Our Mission

Strategic goals of the Mowafaghian Research Centre of Intelligent Neuro-Rehabilitation Technologies are as follows:
A. To lead and to guide academic research and studies towards the requirements of the medical system

B. To promote scientific and technological capacities based on local requirements in the field of rehabilitation

C. To facilitate the formation of the technology chain (from the idea to production and from the research to commercialization) in the field of rehabilitation in an integrated environment

D. To develop and to propagate the intelligent technological therapeutic methods and techniques
The main guidelines which will help us achieve the abovementioned objectives include:
To create an active and dynamic environment based on the maximum interaction between the researchers, the therapists and the entrepreneurs
To create close and effective interactions with medical schools, rehabilitation clinics and universities of technology and related infrastructures in the country
To develop and promote the communication with charity foundations, governmental organizations and institutions supporting researches in the field
To create international communications and profound scientific interactions with pioneer research centers in the world
To perform futuristic studies and idea processing in the field of rehabilitation
To develop equipped research labs and to perform fundamental and applied studies in the field of rehabilitation
To support the transfer of technologies from laboratory models to clinical evaluation in the field of rehabilitation
To support active entrepreneurs in the field of development and commercialization of rehabilitation technologies
To hold conferences, workshops and periodic visits to promote intelligent therapeutic techniques​​​​​​​

Our Vision